Maybe I'm getting older, but this last trip home was the most nostalgic and grounding experience ever for me. I just had such a strong sense of the rich history and heritage I come from. I loved being on the farm and remembering all of the fun times I've had there.
Miss Jump Back Crystal was being just as snotty as she was 21 years ago when I first met her.
I always have enjoyed doing farm chores with my dad. Mason "helped" him feed all of the animals.
There was a youth activity on the farm while we were there, so we spent some time doing the activities provided. I caught Cory acting like the decorations. I love his imagination. 
Just look at that fun little face.
Hay ride time!
One afternoon I took the boys to my Grandpa Whitesell's grave. I hadn't visited there in a really long time, but the day we buried him his burned so vividly in my mind. He was such a great man.
Mason loved the piano at Grandma and Papa's house. It was hard to keep him away from it. Look at that great form!
Cory found these Halloween decoration hands and loved playing with them. He and Mason played this zombie chase the baby game over and over.
I loved the little moments when my mom could be with the boys. It's so important to me that they have a relationship.
Papa Whitesell and Cory have this little tradition of getting cotton candy. Cory didn't forget about it and Papa made good on his promise. We even brought a few cousins along for the fun.
One of my favorite parts of this trip was all the running I was able to do. I loved running on the beautiful country roads. I had such a full sense of how beautiful Rock Hill is. I did have a few scary encounters with dogs, but made it out alive. I ran past the house I grew up in, the house my dad grew up in, as well as many other places that hold strong memories for me.