Monday, May 6, 2013

Quite the exciting life

I wish I was one of those moms that didn't let my children watch tv, but I'm not. My kids love watching tv and I love getting stuff done. 
 We do spend a lot of time outside. We all turn in to gremlins if we don't get our daily dose of vitamin d. Cory still prefers to wear his bones shirt (the pants are totally worn out and shredded).
 If we're feeling really ambitious, or are completely out of diapers, we'll brave a trip to Sam's Club. They really are pretty good shopping buddies.

 Almost every morning I sit down with Cory and Mason to eat breakfast. I've successfully brainwashed both of them into believing oatmeal is the most magnificent breakfast food. I've also convinced Cory that Lucky Charms is only to be eaten on Saint Patrick's Day. I'll have some explaining to do one day. Until then, I'll continue to hide in my closet when I eat yummy cereal (or chocolate).
 I heard Mason fussing one day and walked into the kitchen to find him tied to the jumper. I was very impressed with Cory's knot tying abilities.
 I really try to keep my blog posts positive and happy, but sometimes I have to share the heavy stuff as well. I haven't been blogging lately, and it's partly due to some trials our family has been dealing with (and partly because I now have 2 mobile children). My sweet and strong daddy was diagnosed with cancer in January and started chemo a few weeks ago. It really rocked my world. Luckily, I believe in a loving Heavenly Father. I know He is in control. I know He loves my dad even more than I do.
My dad is handling this trial like a beast. He even took the time to send Cory a package with some cotton candy and a skull. I'm thankful to have my dad in my life and also in the lives of my boys. He is just such an incredible person.
Just look at my handsome little boy!

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