Friday, February 15, 2013

V-Day Hangover

During the day yesterday, I ate enough Sweet-tooth fairy cake bites, chocolates, and MnM's to send me on a happy sugar high, but then I had to OD on the chocolate fondue spread and sugar cookies at Mama Bird's last night. I. Feel. Like. Garbage.
So instead of posting pictures of all the crap yummy treats I ate yesterday, I'm going to show you how cool people celebrate V-day.

 You must start your Valentines celebration with heart shaped banana pancakes (or go straight for the chocolate if you're mama). Cory went to his first "school" V-day shin dig, and when I went to pick him up he was bouncing off of the walls. I've spent every hour since convincing him that if he eats one more piece of chocolate the sugar bugs will eat his teeth and he'll get diarrhea. For some reason he doesn't believe me??? Maybe it's cause I'm lecturing him while stuffing cake bites in my mouth.

Cousin Sara came and visited for a few days. She surprised each of us with a Valentines surprise. Cory is obsessed with the box of chocolates she gave him and even slept with it last night. 
 Mason loved his elephant from Sara and was so cute snuggling on it.
 Thank goodness the sun is shining today and we were able to go for a walk. Now we just need to walk 468 more miles to burn off the rest of our indulgences.

1 comment:

Darah said...

Love this! I definitely indulged as well on treats galore and it was worth it during the moment, but definitely not the sugar hangover later. Glad you guys had a great day!